Episode 18: We go to war

Arthur looked at Max. "Could I have those papers back now?"

Max nodded and carried several scrolls plus writing and sealing implements over to Arthur. After handing them over, the huge barkeep remained standing behind his unusually serious-looking friend.

Arthur straightened up in his chair, unrolled the first scroll, and signed and sealed it at the bottom of the text. Then he stood and pronounced his charge:

"By the power invested in me by the Emperor and the virtue of my former office, and in light of the current military situation, I hereby declare an Imperial military emergency. I furthermore recall myself to active duty as a Commander in the Imperial Guard, command branch, for the duration of this crisis, and I hereby assume command of the military forces and defense of this town." He paused and glanced down before turning to face Max. "Baron Maximilian Carlota, by virtue of my authority as a Commander in the Imperial Guard and your oath of fealty to the Emperor, I hereby recall you to active service in the Imperial Guard as a Captain in the command branch for the duration of this crisis and place you under my command." Arthur turned back to face the rest of the group. "To the six men-at-arms gathered here today: By virtue of my rank and your oaths of fealty to the Emperor, I hereby command your military service in the Imperial Guard for the duration of this crisis and place you under Maximilian's command. To the others gathered here today and to the one known as Silent Thunder: By virtue of my rank and authority here, I hereby press you into military service in the Imperial Guard for the duration of this crisis and place you under my command."

He paused and switched gears. "I hereby form the Imperial Guard, command branch, special unit number twenty-seven, codename Campion. It shall consist of two teams. Team number one shall be considered irregulars and shall consist of myself, Isabelle, Percy, Orlaith, and Thunder. My lieutenant is Max, who shall head team number two. Team number two shall be considered heavy foot and consist of the six men-at-arms gathered here. Maximilian, please appoint a sergeant from among your men to be your lieutenant. Should both we and they become incapacitated, the command authority shall rest with the second team." Arthur finished speaking and sat down in his chair, seemingly exhausted. After a moment he reached for the scrolls again and began to write out his orders.